she's an assh*le. i know i just said what i said. as i said first, i love my mom. i love her to death. i'd take a bullet for her. but the things that come out of her mouth, i swear.
so i'm sitting there at the dinner table, and my mom and i are having a great time. my mother and i tend to have a love-hate relationship, and we haven't had a great "love" moment since before my birthday so it was nice to be able to sit down with her and just talk about everything. she was telling me about how she came to america 30 years ago with just 2 suitcases and the drive to be successful... and how proud she was of her children and how she would be so happy when (*ahem*) g and i get married and she has a baby to take care of. *sigh*
for all those that don't know, g (my older bro) is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from getting married and i'm pretty much in the same boat. maybe closer since i do have a lovely bf, but still far nonetheless.
and, by the way, the last time my mom had a "grandchild fit," it was thanksgiving 2002 and she said to me, "joy don't get married. just have babies." i think the laci peterson murder was about that time.
my mom had one more fit before that. we were coming back from the dentist with my ex at the time, and we're in the elevator next to this 3-4 yr old chinese boy. she starts talking to him and as we leave she waves goodbye. she turns to me and my ex and immediately says "i want one." just as quickly i call my brother and say "we need to get mom a dog. NOW." that plan kind of backfired though, since we already had one dog and the new dog gave the old dog a bad skin disease. :( oh well. speaking of which, mom mention clyde last night and how she calls karma "clyde" sometimes. just so you can see the difference:
clyde - big ol' bull mastiff/german shepard mix(RIP march 2002)

karma - lil b/w domestic shorthair mutt

yeah, they're really the same. :-P anyway.
so the baby thing isn't what pissed me off. the fact we had such a great time and then she drives me to the subway and says this pissed me off:
i have a gorgeous daughter. she just happens to be taba.
for all the non-filipinos out there,
taba means
fat. i immediately got upset and asked her not to call me that. she then replied:
why? am i supposed to lie to you?
to which i told her i know i gained a little weight, but she doesn't need to remind me that i have. and then she says:
well, it's not like you didn't know about it. you said so yourself that you did. i'm just being honest.
*sigh* go back to my
first entry if you need to know what i've been through regarding this issue.
on the way back to my bf's i almost broke down in tears. she doesn't realize that overall, she's just a mean person. *sigh*
i had more to rant about, but that took all the energy out of me. here's a picture of one of my new shoes from my outlet escapade last weekend.

so cute.