
still slothy...

*sigh* what happened? i was doing so well. i think it's the lack of vitamins. and the meat i've been eating. and the overall just not caring. :-P

random rant - some kid spilled soda on my new pants this morning. i was sitting on the train, happy as a clam, and the kid next to me pulls out a sprite and it spills all over my pant leg. annoyance #1 - he didn't even apologize. kids have NO MANNERS. but moreso annoyance #2 - wtf is this kid doing drinking soda at 8:30 in the morning??? why do people not realize that they should be paying attention to their diets? maybe that's why american children are obese? maybe??? *sigh* /rant

this weekend was tons of fun. friday night i hung out with my girls, kat and jess. after a yummy bulgogi dinner (thanks kat!), they decided to tell me their vacation story. note: three girls + 2 bottles of wine + 4 beers = 3 hrs of vacation story. much fun, though. got tons of knitting done. :-P afterwards jess and i went over to pianos and get her a man. instead we got a texan finance dude and a barback named boomba following us most of the night. oh well. we walked to the vig, where this drunken picture was taken:

if you look really closely i think that's my reflection on the right side of the photo. i don't recall that column being reflective, though... hmm...

saturday was a nice late wake-up. i think the alcohol helped. i sat in bed for a little while and watched queer eye for the first time in ages. i couldn't stop watching, though, because they featured a filipino couple from canada! it was so nice, i almost wanted to cry. go here to see clips of the episode.

other news - check-ch-check-ch-check check it out!

woo hoo!!!! i lifted it out of the garage and realized how weak i am. time to work out again. oh yeah, and learn to ride a bike. lol...


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