
i need more weekends like this

well, i could do without the whole "fighting" part at the beginning... but otherwise, it was the most relaxing weekend i've had in a while. more details to come later. need to get food because i'm famished!

edit:ok, now that it's 5 PM i can finally catch up on the goings on... this weekend i went for the first time to baltimore, maryland for the annual veneracion crab-feast! soooo exciting. crabs are my FAVORITE. (sidenote: when i was 10 yrs old i used to finish about 12-14 crabs at a sitting. that's how much i love the stuff!) anywhoo, my friend abby had invited me this year to take part in the festivities so on saturday afternoon we went. the original plan was:

  • saturday - go to six flags america
  • sunday - check out yarn stores, then eat tons of crab!

unfortunately it looked a whole lot more like this:

  • saturday - go meet up with mom, fight with family, pick up abby at 1:30PM, get to maryland at 6, eat dinner
  • sunday - knit, shop, knit, shop, eat, drive

not like that wasn't exciting... i just wish it hadn't started with an argument. saturday was a no-go to begin with since the hurricane promised to bring rain to the baltimore county area. so we figured we'd coast the city for their yarn stores and knit while waiting for the crabfeast on sunday.

ok, now rewind to thursday. my mom calls me, requesting i "reconsider" my trip to baltimore because of the hurricane. i "considered" it and still wanted to go. then she requests my coming to the house on saturday morning before i leave to go to the bank to "sign papers." i have no clue what she wants me to sign. she just needs me to be there. okeedokee.

i'm just going to keep all the negative stuff out... *sigh*

so abby and i didn't get to baltimore until around 6 PM on saturday. all the yarn stores would have been closed by that time, so no fun for us really. we went to a chinese buffet with her tito and tita, then knit as we watched the olympics until bedtime. nice and relaxing....

woke up the next morning, realizing i was in the peacful country in baltimore... across the way there were horses! i was shocked! i wish i brought my camera, because it was so pretty out there. *sigh* abby's uncle also has a love for the arts, so when he found out my history as an art student he requested i draw for them. i declined, since he wanted me to draw everyone's portrait in 7 minutes, which is absolutely impossible. it reminded me that i haven't drawn anything seriously in over 4 years. sad. :( then crab-time came... endless crab after crab... so yummy. i think i left with about 10 crabs in my belly. and that's not counting the maryland crabcakes we had for lunch. yum.

before we left, i had left maryland with 2 lbs of lump crabmeat, some old bay seasoning and tita charlotte's maryland crabcake recipe. i must definitely go back there again. thank you abby for inviting me and for the veneracion's for hosting me!


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