
remember what you're allergic to...

so i get home yesterday famished. i go to the grocery store to pick up fruit for day 2 of my detox diet and some extra soup for dinner. get home, put fruit away, cook soup. mmmm... soup. wake up early this morning, pack fruit in bag. get to work. drink juice, take vitamin and ginkgo. wash pear. slice off undesirable segments from bruising. eat pear. throat starts to feel itchy. tongue numbs. then i think:

oh yeah, that's right... i'm mildly allergic to pears.

duh. lesson learned: never go grocery shopping on a liquid diet. you have absolutely no brain power. *sigh*

what sucks is i bought pear/passionfruit nectar, too, and i'm afraid to drink it now. oh well.

so this morning proves i should forego joining a gym until september... i woke up at 6:15 this morning and went for a 20 minute jog around the neighborhood. boy, is nyc stinky in the summer mornings. who needs coffee when you can run right by warm garbage? mmmm....


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